Basanti Was A Figment Of Somebody's Idealism

Seemingly aimed at a key demographic, the film negotiates a fine tuning between direction, a first-class amateur work and the clichés and banalities of Hindi movies. Amateur is not the best compliment but I can be politically correct with a simple word ‘first-class’. The film rolls out within the confines of specific events in the country’s history merging time on precision points. But this individualistic inspiration tapers down to quite a disappointingly hurried second half and an even much hastier end. It’s like a well written book which is just too thin. It could have done with something more…something more incoherent maybe!

There were a few aspects of the movie that bothered me but not to the extent that would make me lose my sleep.

- Like, the movie was a walking trumpet for NDTV, a news channel that covers stories like the frostbite cold Delhi and the complimentary benefits of a warm cup of tea. This is when the winter toll rises to 36 odd.

- Like, the firang was there in the movie to tone down the anti-British trend.

- Like, when the RAF during the protest and the Commandos in the end behave like no-mercy-Russian-cum-Chinese-ruthless-anti-terrorist-squads.

- Like, there were times when you wondered, the MIGs are not the only source of redundant deaths in the military?

I kept pondering...

As you may have noticed, all these questions are inconsequential. You HAVE to look at this movie as a different product. When the trend of the Bhagat Singh movie series make you speculate that whether he died for the country or was it for pure commercial appeal, a twist of lime in Rang De Basanti called Retro Patriotism stirs the senses. It is a movie in the end, something that has to be digested with a bucket of popcorn and cola. Watch the movie, go home, forget it, and go to work the next day. Movies don’t work in India.

An Angel

The loss of an artist and the performance. The theatre is in ashes, barren. The only thing that rises is the smoke that smothers the lungs.The picture is remorseless but thoughtful subdued by the thick air around it. It is quick and sharp.An angel fallen from the sky, wings clipped, unable to blossom. The blissful ignorant is damned to hell for eternity.It’s an art form, aesthetic. A picture indescribable with a thousand words, so hard to comprehend yet so pleasant to watch. The comprehension lies in its subtleties which overwhelms its defining moments.The answer to everything. The question need not be asked. It’s a crime not to appreciate, murder. To ignore it is to be blind. The skin might as well rot; the birds might as well stop singing, no fragrant flowers. Your senses are rendered impaired and numb.It is a climatic change. You feel it. It is when the sun shines or the heavens open through the light showers. It’s a mixed contrast in a complete package.

Me, Myself And "I"...

…Mumbai, I still prefer Bombay. Yes, it is I who prefers it as a Bombay. However, ‘I’ is just an alphabet: a vowel to be precise which like any other alphabet is lost in a torrent of twenty five other inscriptions. ‘I’ is a special epistle, a fact most of us are aware of, but ‘I’ like any other alphabet is not the most important glue that binds the written sensibilities of the written language.

‘I’ as a sovereign word speaks for itself; it speaks for you not to mention the ME and MYSELF. It doesn’t really help, other than giving others the inkling that YOU are an arrogant brat.

Politically speaking and socially rationalizing; Democracy nurses the infant individuality and that individual sucks at the sovereignties teat. When my idealism pushes me away and leads to me the temptations of a socialistic or communistic identity then that would be the result of a sovereign limitation. Hence, “I” am greater than the very knowledge of your peripheral existence.


It lives, a comic book lives. Frank Miller’s laudable essence capturing novel on paper with colours splashed on the screen by Zack Snyder directions, the 117 minutes is a carefully grafted piece of art.

The mythological story revolves around 300 warriors against an army of zillions but with a lot more exaggerations that you would be tempted to believe. With a dab of a paint brush, scenes are articulated with the right level of hues. A bit of amber and a bit of Navajo white, spread across an askew easel on a peach canvas. The colours may be a bit dull, but I find the rainbow unimaginative. You do not as much anticipate as to what would happen next inasmuch you would turn a page. Every scene is worth a thousand words, every speech is grand, every fight is bloody worthwhile, the love is true, the honour is compassionate, the evil is dark, even the six-pack abs keep you glued and wondering, the history is compelling, the myth may be a myth, the story may be surreal and you would end it with the glory itself.

The movie maybe marmite. You either like it or you don’t. I should not describe the movie as my thoughts are not as nouveau niche as to what I had witnessed. If you are planning to skip the theatre and wait for the DVD, I suggest you start smoking and wait for cancer instead. For all those who would appreciate the hard work involved in the movie, value it for all the right reasons. If you walk out stating that the decapitations were “cool” and “awesome”, or dawdle on the political message of the movie (It’s based on a comic book for God sake), I would be waiting out with Spartan spears ready to pierce your heart and soul.

Miami Vice

The movie was hard to understand, not because the plot was intricate - if there was one - but it gave you the sensation of being a retarded kindergartener with the attention span of a toothbrush.

There were times when you empathized with the director, producer and even the crew that held up the boom mike, because they furnished the intuition that they were threatened into making this movie - failure to comply would have ensured death. If I can tone down my discontent and absolute contempt for this sorry excuse for a movie, I can at best describe it as ghastly.

The script and the subsequent plot emerged from pieces of crumpled Work-In-Progress scraps thrown out into garbage cans by directors who were too mortified to make it into a movie. But then Michael Mann had time to kill and lives to waste and audiences to mortify with redundancy. And yes, it was a typical Michael Mann movie, a lot of time for contemplation, for those who have seen his previous works, 'The Insider' or 'Heat'. But this was way too slow and agonizing. I did contemplate though, to watch the movie in Fast-Forward.

Colin Farrell was screaming Goldilocks and Rapunzel with hair which looked as natural as a Red Indians prized scalp. I am pretty sure that he was to go in for a 'presence' look. And Jamie Foxx gave an appearance that was reminiscent of an actor who was working hard just to remember his lines. They made the Ferrari, the Bentley and the Mercedes look like props creditable of a banana peels. And if you have seen this movie, please do quench the thirst of my curiousity. I would like to know the precise time where Li Gong (Isabella) drove you up against the wall, with her sentences devoid of articles. Yes she did stay in character you may argue. Yes I do see my blood on the wall I may add.

I cannot bother to go on further why this experience was so horrid as I had acquired the attention span of a toothbrush and I can only digress now with pitiless references of this movie to new and interesting diseases. All these thoughts came in the first half of the torturous audio-visual piles. However, there should be an evolving plot, a brilliant idea perhaps to a perfect end, as there was the other half of hope to develop, an artifact of amusement. But hope has always been a sin.

A Stage, nay, it was a military institution where all the players were merely following orders, speculating when they would get their next pile of millions of dollars. You could actually picture this when Mr. Foxx was trying to multitask on remembering his lines and put up an appropriate facial expression to match the mood. He was a long way off, probably off in a yatch in the Pacific. And I would have no remorse if he had drowned. To make it interesting let us add Mr. Farrell in the equation and rewind to him making man-love to Mr. Foxx when they had their lungs filled with salt water. You see, not only do I digress but I sin.

I have already had a word with God and he won’t give me my two hours back. Save yourself, retribution is at hand.

Not once did the movie imprison my imagination or sent my pulse racing. It did not present any prospect to me to be wide eyed, or give a jaw dropping effect. And if that is asking for much, I broke the DVD into two.

The Meaning Of Life: Dissected And Analysed

The couch potato lost his remote and yelled out to his estranged wife in the kitchen “What is the meaning of Life?”

He had had a wonderful life through some torrid times. His life was equivalent of a Shakespearean comic-tragedy – if there was one. He had survived the harsh extremities of the life span of his batteries.

And so it began: an arduous journey through a painstakingly, fingers-to-the-bone work out of the biped’s second digit of his right hand. A click followed a zap, and like a creation conversely and contradictory to his life’s governing principle – say like the laws of physics – his dreams flashed before his eyes. The envisioned dream was at his finger tips, momentarily, like a condemnatory King Nothing, executing orders and like a lawful, civilized and well-governed society, his wishes brought him success and rewards. He was content. But content he was only by the will of God alias the cable guy who could only grant him so-many channels to choose from depending on the prayers, payable in dollars and cents, he offered.

A punch of calories kept him sustained. The resultant body fat was good for the winter and for his health benefits. He had served his biological purpose with two kids lost in the vicinity of his vacant backyard. He could not figure out where he was heading. His subjects, the infrared diodes, exercised sycophancy to monotony. He could pray a bit more but he would lose his fat.
He looked up to the dear devil which had always been there for him. El Diablo, as he playfully preferred, had been in the nook and cranny of all his deepest thoughts. In times of despair he had provided the devil his workshop, and in return increased the productivity levels of adiposity.

The first rays from the magic box beamed tranquility. Our obese, father-of-two, soon-to-be divorced protagonist relaxes on the groove, that he had carefully articulated with the paintbrush that was his behind, on the couch. This is what his kingdom looks like…

Tranquil lounge music leads us to a young dashing gun with a pair of aviator sun glasses starts his life as a Park Ranger on the Rocky Mountains keeping out anti-socials and preserving wildlife. Here, he is one with nature, at peace most of the times. His heart beat is at a pleasant 72bpm ensuing a pulse racing dare-devil camaraderie when duty beckoned. He clawed as far as the mountain clawed – from the United States to Canada. Political boundaries made little sense to him unless the border (read: guns) dictated terms.
All was well till a rabid Grizzly Bear was out for Cheerios, deciding it could do without the morning newspaper and milk and decided that breakfast would be adequate with Mr. Ranger’s tenderized yet muscular limb somewhere near Mount Timpanogos.
It was an irony worth a thousand words. A semi-bleeding torso with a missing member flowing blood was reminiscent of a serene stream bringing life to its embankments or in this case some maggots and flies. His pain and cries of help echoed across the tranquil scenic beauty. His voluble and articulate decibels were at times downed by the local fauna. A colorful and vibrant chirping bird was oblivious to his endeavor. The only empathy was the unsuccessful mating calls of the moose which probably was on the next menu for the great Grizzly, maybe for lunch, the main course with a bit of garnish on the inside; Bon Apetit.

A short wobbly intro tells us that he bled a bit but survived. There was always prosthetics he pondered, as did the fetishist Marilyn Manson. His optimism was that of the people of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945-“さとる、あの雲はシルバー・ライニングがつけてるみたいです …” (Satoru, it seems as though there's a silver lining attached to that mushroom cloud...). A lot of flashing images and a few bouts of epilepsy later constituted a deeper meaning of his journey. He had to listen to the sounds, he could ignore the visuals. A simple case of elimination and he swayed some more. A trigger of neurons and some chemicals calmed him just as the serene beauty of the tranquil meadow that was near Mount Timpanogos. Of course, the stimulus was different at his dichotomy of his life thus far. These were, however, not two extremes. Well at least not his MTV. They were two different sensations. Music was secondary and taken for granted. Musical chords he may not understand but the beats were embedded in his thoughts like a 1930’s typewriter, stern, rigid and assertive. He could see himself playing his guitar in the air like the swaying hands of a morning raga. Entwined wires on the back stage from heavy duty speakers, like serpentines from the head of Medusa (or Marshall), embodied his devil ridden psychedelic quest. The reflex that was endowed on him to throw the remote on his TV, right when Richard Marx made a tear-jerking romantic proposal, was held back by the fact that the proximity to his remote was his only savior. Music, he liked it or not, had always been his companion. If only he had his iPod so he could lambaste John Denver's Rocky Mountain High to soothe the savage beast.

But nothing can take away the tranquility of his cross border terrorism [screeeeech!!!] or was it Transcendentalism, he forgets. Then there was Ice-Hockey. Yes, who needs the new age Manson when all the action in the world was available within the confines of the rink? Grrrr….Hell, he could use his prosthetic to smash the goaltender’s teeth. It wasn’t his fault that he didn’t have John Denver by his side. Or he could be in a cocoon of a cockpit driving around in a circle at a quadrillion miles per hour and extract the same joy that a four year old experiences on one of those dizzying merry-go–rounds at the local fair. Or maybe he could try and match the enduring energy, vigor and lively levels of Golf. Or maybe a few more diodes can expand his periphery. This was not Rome and there was no Colosseum, just some big brands speeding and expanding across the screen dreadfully prompt and an enthusiastic yet a low bass voice commands you to “Drink that cola, smoke that cigarette, Mr. Grizzly here’s your Cheerios…” There were hours of legalized lunacy. But that’s OK; his lawyer is in the Caribbean.

Since his dissection of the theory of avoiding the newspaper in the morning, he considers an abortion. It’s a new world and men can have babies, stamped and approved by the special seal of the United States of America. He is now with Oprah a.k.a. I-have-a-boring-life-so-I’ll-pick-my-neighbours-nose-and-televise-it (come to think of it, so does the US Government). The daily weather announces and proves that it would be easier to win the million dollar lottery. “Bright and sunny sky with signs of nimbus…” He looked outside the window and wondered whom he should pay to shovel his driveway. George the Second makes another candid appearance and gives hope to millions of his fellow countrymen. You can be President even though you might be a grammatically incomprehensible nincompoop. And there’s a lot more where that came from. He has taken the Freedom of Speech to a new level, a level that should have a bullet torn across the tumor that is his brain.

The electricity then says “you didn’t pay the bill”, and our man who starts from the Rocky’s to I-have-a-big-nose-Oprah and George-God-Save-Us, concludes that his channel is off air. He yells out to his estranged wife in the kitchen “What is the meaning of Life?” chokes on a potato chip and dies.

The Mr. Potato man,was born, destined to die. So, it didn't make a difference what he did in between or how many channels he surfed on the idiot box. All that matters, or rather should matter, is the Alpha and the Omega. But the Alpha sunrise begins from someones Omega sunset. So all hope of your existence would be lost, unless you are one Adolf Hitler. Ravaging Europe perhaps with an extended arm and a miniscule moustache.

So YOU may have found your remote and switched to a third channel. I think it’s a bit late and you should be off to bed. You may die in a few hours time or maybe in a few decades. You do not exist for me, so turn the page…


…cut to commercial…

P.s. Adolf Hitler was a bad, bad man. He killed millions.


Unlearn v. (past and past part. unlearned or unlearnt) 1 forget deliberately. 2 rid oneself of (a habit, false information, etc.).

Apparently the word does exist. What it is asking you to do is to ignore the lessons of the past and commit more blithering mistakes to get yourself noticed. Something on the lines of “No publicity is bad publicity”

It would have been a more eloquent excuse in school, imagining myself that it would add up to my check list of “The dog ate my homework”, “I was sick” and the usual “I forgot”. But there was this substitute subversive yet discreet new word, unlearnt. What a fine addition to the vocabulary. I could picture myself romping home with a pat on the back for making an effort to learn something so atrocious and getting away with it. But that would have been a dream or I would be high on cocaine.

Either way a futile exercise, to coagulate something so heinous into a brain that would not accept something far less complicated like the Theory of Relativity.

That brings us to another question. Sticklers, what are they for? Where are the grammar police when you need them the most? Oh wait! They are busy wondering that why the hell in the scorched heavens did they bring about a word such as the 'metrosexual' and then coined it as the worst word that came up in which ever year it came “out”. That’s a pun by the way.
Why do things have to be complicated? Is it so that the discovery of the ineffectual questions would lead to self-actualization and then self enlightenment? Or is so that the more questions you have the more you sell.

Now, if I want to unlearn something by definition, I hear the best thing to do is to get a scalpel, extract your brain with it and then feed it to the pigs. The word is out of context and disorder and should be executed with a lethal injection after electrocution of course. And maybe the guillotine would follow and let’s not forget the pyre shall we.

I have a lot of words around recently. For instance:
'Unlearn' - Grammatically correct because the dictionary says so. Sad to agree but it will never be a part of my tongue.
'Misselling' - The guy who came up with this word probably got asphyxiated with the speeding lights in the middle of the road released a huge amount of serotonin and then God rest his soul.
'Upselling' - Coined by the editor of Balbharti and Yuvakbharti (for all those cultured by the Indian education system)…

For me it would be another day in the office. By day, accepting turd and conditions, (No, that is NOT terms and conditions) and by night fighting injustice in my mask and cape. Of course nobody bothers and the crime rate is high.
Mr. Pablo Escobar here I come.