Hardly a month passes by in which there is not something new in Mackichan Hall. What was merely a bold idea of the Rev. Dugald Mackichan yesterday has launched into reality today. The achievement would not be possible without creative thinking. There is an image of Mackichan Hall that is firmly set in many Wilsonians. Having said that, Mackichan Hall is a home away from home. Academics are merely related to books but this hostel offers a kind of pragmatic perspective which is unmatched simply due to the congregation of students not only from different courses but also from various parts of the country. Secular, isn’t it?
Ubiquitous languages, sixty odd rooms, sixty odd students, one spectacular event. Mackichan Hall has put itself on show, is even showing off a bit. There are captivating examples to be found in its pavilion, on the stages and at various events: the imposing instead of the ironic, vision instead of tradition.
The Hostel is unlike any other as it grooms its residents from day one. Every resident absorbs and inculcates the soul of this archaic settlement. And this experience is enhanced by dynamic and seasoned ‘inmates’ who work together in the furtherance of the revered nomenclature.
Mackichan Hall is a management course offering unpaid internship. A close student-student interaction helping in developing case studies and research projects: about life! It is the invisible lubricant that propels the wheels of life. Social networking is one key advantage spiritually attained here. The ultimate enlightenment!
It’s a show, a window onto the world, an attractive landmark - Mackichan Hall has it all. Stroll around it and you will get the feeling that everything is interconnected. The world of Mackichan Hall, a network of thoughts, like the spreading roots of trees. The structure of this exhibition is designed to be transitory in nature and, by the end of the year, all that will remain will be the memories.
Yours truly is a student of economics, as a major, and what I have gained from this home away from home is: efficient allocation of resources, monetary management, a working example of the investment multiplier and human resource development – ignore the jargons!
I am a Mackichan Knight. What’s your excuse…?
5th February 2005