This Is You!
See It, Believe It
As the eyes search down in the vast expanses of vanity, the light shines, emanating the divinity within. It’s not hard to see but the ignorance of the world is not so blissful. It is a waft of approaching stimuli to all senses. Eyes hypnotically follow every movement, the gentleness of it, and the subtlety of it. Spotted from far away, like the searching glare within the dry grass blades somewhere in the Serengeti. Its presence is completely unaware of prying eyes, or at least that is what it leads to believe. Patient and resilient, it carries across the daily trudge of miles of the day, until it turns around for its abode. It carries with itself the frugal fragrant imposition of its existence which slaps thine face for acknowledgment.
Everyday is like being in the open desert under the scorching sun. The sun doesn’t take much away but is indeed incommodious. The Brobdingnag sweep of the desolate wasteland leads to anything but
A voice unfolds reserving its space, slowly and steadily, until it alters brainwaves to accommodate the sweet siren voicing at pre-determined intervals day-after-day. Till it alters the metabolism, like a slow drug, till you can’t live without it, till the body twitches with withdrawal symptoms. And then it rings…
Budget 2009 Is An Investment For Long Term Growth

The Real Estate sector does not necessarily deserve incentives all the time. The three stimulus packages before were more than enough.
“The investment in infrastructure for the growth of economy is critical” said Mr Pranab Mukerjee in his budget speech.
The Finance Minister took a leaf from President Barack Obama’s inaugural speech, when the President of Change pragmatically stated “Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time.” Mr Mukherjee drew parallels by stating, “Members would appreciate that a single Budget Speech cannot solve all our problems.”

The sudden loss of cranial shutdown was attributed to the constant barrage of information gored vilely in the deepest chambers of neurons.
"Bet'chr Ass Man, Guns N' Roses! Rules....Then That Cobain Pussy Had To Come Around & Ruin It All."

Guns N’ Roses! Guns…N’…Roses! They evoked a chant from the ravenous, inebriated puffed, riot inducing, high decibel volubly wired craniums that formed the electoral support for the stage.
Axl Rose is an acronym for Oral Sex and Slash is a Nigerian-Jewish-Brit hybrid, but enough of their trivialities. They were anti-establishment, anti-anti even. They screeched their existence, and then added heavy drumming and the electric streamed through their fingers and said “You’re in a jungle, baby. Wake Up! Time to die!”
The world hasn’t changed much. They were the notified punks of the 80’s, the era’s brand ambassadors. They spoke about that time, how grunge it was, how intoxicating it was, how loud it was, how nostalgic it would be, and a stark reminder of how empty it is now.
Axl’s hoarse shrieking laid low setting up as a precursor to the enticing runaway solos by Slash; mix it with a balladic piano of Dizzy Reed, the bass of Duff McKagan, might it be added; heavily underrated, the rhythms of Izzy Stradlin, the percussions of the discarded Steven Adler and his replacement Matt Sorum.
Guns N’ Roses, like most of the bands of the 80’s, were known for their on-stage antics, from the St. Louis riots in 1991 to the sane pleas of pacifying the crowds “we don’t want people passing out and having to go to the hospital” (Mr. Brownstone from Live Era ’87-‘93).
The rift that was between Axl Rose and the original band, currently Velvet Revolver sans the lead singer Scott Weiland, is still on a high and will collude against a reunion. Communism has fallen and so has the band, the voracious appetite for era is now just a grand illusion.